Anti Oppressive Improv Troupe
Improv Troupe Projects
Group Hugs
Initially created for Nocturne 2017, group hugs is an ongoing initiative to encourage strangers to connect through hugging - with consent!
Improv Jam
We host a low pressure weekly improv jam where we come together to play and learn new skills, and discuss anti-oppression. In the summers we meet on the Halifax Commons.
Speed Friending / Deep friending
We host low pressure speed friending events where we help people learn to say hi to each other, and work through awkward feelings, and discover intimacy through deep listening.
Singing together in harmony helps people feel connected. We come together and let our voices resonate.
Free Consultation
A new project we're developing for Nocturne 2018. An intermedia project addressing the question "what is good support, and how do we do it?", featuring a self help pamphlet that documents positive experiences of support, and a performance element where audience are invited to practice using the manual to support characters based on our lived experiences
Meditation Dance
We host weekly meditation dance sensions inspired by 5 rhythms and barefoot ecstatic dance. We have created an original soundtrack that runs for 1 hour. Each session, strangers come together and dance like no-one's watching. We dance alone, but we dance together. Our intention is to feel connected even though we're dancing alone.
Nothing To See Here: Experimental Radio
We're very excited to be collaborating with David Clark and NSCAD university on an experimental radio show. More info at
Who Are We?
We are the Dramatic Changes anti-oppressive Improv troupe. We're an experimental community improv group with a focus on identity and local issues. We have a core group of organisers, but anyone is welcome to join. More info at
What is Anti-Oppressive Improv?
We follow some basic principles:
- Challenge Stereotypes:
Stereotypes are dehumanising and perpetuate prejudice. If you see a stereotype on stage, try to give it depth, or develop an explanation for why it is that way.
- Play from personal experience:
Performing characters based on other marginalised people’s experiences is appropriation of voice. Play characters that are inspired from your personal experience.
- Seek a state of play where everybody is listening, and everyone is leading:
Power structures perpetuate oppression. We are all leaders, and we are all followers. In this way we break apart hierarchies and model a way of life that focuses on the collective rather than the individual.
- Acknowledge Biases:
Improv and impulse training brings our subconscious biases to the surface, and allows us to re-examine problematic beliefs that we have internalised through lifetimes of societal conditioning.
- Diversify Cast:
Make every effort to seek out players and audience from diverse backgrounds; seek diversity of age, race, gender, ability, wealth.
We have been very lucky to receive support from Radstorm, NSPIRG, Pride Halifax, Open Mic House, and Halifax North Branch Library